Mission on Shoulders, Responsibility on Us——Countree Food response to New Zealand's anti-dumping case against Chinese canned peaches

Mission on Shoulders, Responsibility on Us——Countree Food response to New Zealand's anti-dumping case against Chinese canned peaches

新西兰对中国黄桃罐头的“日落复审”(“Sunset Review”)是由新西兰当地农业企业提起申请,由新西兰商业、创新与就业部发起的,对中国向新西兰出口黄桃罐头企业的调查

New Zealand's "Sunset Review" of Chinese canned yellow peaches, was filed by a local agricultural company in New Zealand and initiated by Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment(MBIE),  investigated Chinese canned peach companies.


Countree Food, as the Vice Chairman of China Canned Food Industry Association(CCFIA), top ten canned export enterprises in China, and one of the many outstanding domestic suppliers, actively responding on behalf of the Chinese canned food industry.

青岛开创食品下辖3个现代化工厂,芦笋罐头年销量位列全球前三名,同时生产黄桃等20多种产品,通过BRC A+等国际各大认证,是国内优秀的果蔬品类综合性供应商。2019年,青岛开创在中国出口大势艰难的情况下逆势上扬,主动对接世界零售巨头的国际供应链流程再造,在澳洲、美洲、欧洲等市场均取得较大进步,与全球25大零售集团直接合作成功,是国际版农超对接的典范。

Qingdao Countree Food Co.,Ltd, founded in 2000. The annual sales volume of canned asparagus ranks among the top three in the industry all over the world, and we also produce more than 20 products including peach, red pepper, pear, and fruit cocktail. Besides, we have 3 modern factories that certified by HACCPIFSGAPKOSHERBSCIWCA. In 2019, Qingdao Countree Food has risen against the trend in the face of China's difficult export situation, and actively restructured the international supply chain processes of the world's retail giants. We have made great progress in Australia, America, Europe and other markets, and has directly cooperated with the world's top 25 retail groups and the international agricultural supermarket successfully, which served as an example role.

在国际局势风云变幻,国际关系错综复杂的背景下,这次应诉不仅对开创食品来说意义重大,同时也为整个行业带来直接的利好,提振了中国罐头食品出口的底气和自信。“ Passion for healthy life”,使命在肩,责任有我。一如既往,开创在严厉打磨自身的同时,愿意和国内同行业,同风雨,共承担。为中国罐头行业的发展和未来,做出应有的贡献。

Against the background of the changing international situation and the complicated international relations, this response not only is of great significance to the Countree Food, but also brings direct benefits to the entire industry, which has boosted the confidence of China's canned food exports. "Passion for healthy life", mission on shoulders, responsibility on us. As always, Countree Food is willing to share with the domestic industry while severely polishing ourselves. Make contributions to the development and future of Chinese canned food industry.


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