The State Environmental Protection Department Highly Appraised Our Environmental Protection Work.

The State Environmental Protection Department Highly Appraised Our Environmental Protection Work.

On November 8, 2018, the State Inspecting Group of Environmental Protection visited and audited Heze Sanqing Food Co., Ltd., the branch of Qingdao Counreefood Co., Ltd. Leader of Cao County Enviromental Protection Bureau and mayor of Qingguji the group accompanied the group.

The Inspecting group reviewed the company's documents and sewage treatment facilities. They highly evaluated the company's existing measures and operation. Our company always adheres to the conception of "advocating healthy life". We brought in advanced sewage treatment system to ensure that the sewage discharge index meets the national standards. Meanwhile we use natural gas to replace traditional coal combustion to reduce air pollution.

The whole inspecting group agreed that our company looks up to the environmental protection and the implementation of environmental protection. It has set a benchmark for other enterprises. They all affirmed and praised our efforts in environmental protection work.


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